quinta-feira, 15 de abril de 2010

Dia de avaliação do PEC em Bruxelas

"The Portuguese stability programme is ambitious and quite concrete for the years 2011-2013 but additional measures of fiscal consolidation might be needed, especially for this year, if risks to the macroeconomic and fiscal developments materialize. Fiscal consolidation is essential also in view of the necessary narrowing of the large external imbalances", assim sintetiza o comissário para os assuntos económicos e monetários Ollin Rehn.

A aqui fica a recomendação da Comissão para o conselho aprovar a sua opinião sobre o Programa português de Estabilidade e Crescimento o que deverá acontecer dia 22 de Abril. Entre as recomendações destaco esta:

"frame fiscal consolidation measures together with efforts to raise productivity and

potential GDP growth in a sustained way, to boost competitiveness and to narrow the
large external imbalances, which will also help improving the sustainability of public

As notícias do dia aqui

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